
‘I did what any friend would do’ – Micah Richards hits out at lawyer over claim he is Roy Keane’s ‘puppy’ in assault trial

**Micah Richards Claps Back: Defending Friendship Amidst Legal Storm**

In a courtroom drama that unfolded like a scene from a gripping sports thriller, Micah Richards found himself thrust into the spotlight, defending not only his actions but also his integrity as a friend. The former Manchester City star faced off against accusations hurled by a defence lawyer, who sought to paint Richards as a mere pawn in the chessboard of Roy Keane’s alleged assault trial.

The saga began with allegations leveled by the ex-Manchester United captain, Roy Keane, who claimed to have been assaulted by a fervent Arsenal fan named Scott Law during a Premier League clash at Emirates Stadium. As Keane recounted the events of that fateful day, Richards found himself at the center of a legal crossfire, with his loyalty to Keane questioned by none other than Law’s lawyer, Charles Sherrard KC.

In a bold assertion, Sherrard aimed to undermine Richards’ testimony, suggesting that Richards was merely a puppet dancing to Keane’s tune—a notion vehemently refuted by the 35-year-old football pundit. Undeterred by the lawyer’s tactics, Richards stood his ground, vehemently denying any suggestion of subservience to Keane’s influence.

“I strongly disagree,” retorted Richards, his voice resonating with conviction. “You tried to twist my words, but I stand by what I saw.”

Amidst the legal jousting, the underlying narrative remained one of friendship and loyalty. Richards, steadfast in his defense of Keane, emphasized the importance of standing by a friend in times of adversity. As the courtroom drama unfolded, it became evident that Richards’ actions were driven not by blind allegiance, but by the unwavering bond of camaraderie—a sentiment echoed by supporters and spectators alike.

At the heart of the matter lies the conflicting testimonies of Keane and Law, each presenting their version of events. While Keane alleges assault, Law claims self-defense in the face of perceived aggression. As the trial progresses, the truth remains elusive, obscured by a fog of conflicting narratives and legal intricacies.

In a world where allegiances are tested and loyalties questioned, Micah Richards stands as a beacon of integrity, unwavering in his defense of friendship amidst the tumult of legal proceedings. As the courtroom drama reaches its climax, one thing remains clear: Richards’ steadfastness serves as a testament to the enduring power of camaraderie in the face of adversity.

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